(version 05/07/2024)

Your privacy is important for us.

All personal data that we obtain about you will be collected and processed in accordance with applicable data protection legislation, in particular the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (“GDPR”), as well as this privacy notice. In addition to this privacy notice, the Privacy notice - website may also be relevant when you apply via our website.

This privacy notice provides more information about the personal data that we process, why we process it, how we obtain the data, how long we retain the data and with whom we share it. It also provides more information on how you can exercise your rights.


The joint data controllers for your personal data are the following legal entities:

Aminolabs Holding BV
Research Campus 6
3500 Hasselt
Enterprise number 0805 035 167

Eurofood International NV
Research Campus 6
3500 Hasselt
Enterprise number 0462 325 457

Aminolabs Belgium NV
Research Campus 6
3500 Hasselt
Enterprise number 0450 846 397


If you have any questions about the processing of your personal data, you can always contact us:


As an job-applicant at Aminolabs, we may process your personal data for one or more of the following purposes:

  • Recruitment
  • Litigation management
  • Website

Below, you can find for each purpose the personal data that we process, why we process it, how we obtain the data, how long we retain the data and with whom we share it.

A. Recruitment

For the purpose of hiring new staff members, we may process your personal identification data (name, address, e-mail address, phone number), personal characteristics (age, gender, language), family situation, leisure activities and interests, data on education and training (diplomas, certificates), information on employment and occupation (career, position, incl. reference checks) and any other information that you communicate to us or provide us during the application process.

These data allow us to fill open vacancies (incl. reference checks) for the purpose of recruiting employees and to maintain a database of potential candidates ('talent database').

The legal basis for this processing is the conclusion or performance of a contract with the data subject (Art. 6.1 (b) GDPR). For the reference checks and the talent database, the legal basis for processing the personal data is your consent (Art. 6.1 (a) GDPR).

We obtain these personal data directly from the you and/or through a third party (e.g. recruitment and temporary employment agencies, when performing reference checks).

For purposes of recruitment, we store your personal data until the application process is closed (plus a verification period of 1 year). Only if you have given your consent, we will contact you for new vacancies for a period of one year from receipt of your data (plus a verification period of 1 year). You may withdraw your consent at any time (for more information, see RIGHTS).

We share these personal data with our recruitment offices on a need to know basis. In addition, we share these personal data with third parties with whom we cooperate for the storage and management of our data (IT and software providers).

B. Litigation management

In case of a (potential) litigation, we may process your personal identification data (name, (company) address, email address, telephone number) and any other information that is relevant to the (potential) litigation.

These data allow us to defend our legal interests in all forms of dispute resolution.

The legal basis for this processing is our legitimate interest to exercise our (contractual, extra-contractual, legal and other) rights as well as our rights of defence (Art. 6.1 (f) GDPR).

We obtain these personal data directly from you or via third parties.

For our litigation management, we store your personal data for up to 5 years after the deadline to appeal (longer if necessary, e.g. to comply with legal obligations) (plus a verification period of 1 year).

We only share these personal data with third parties on a need to know basis, including public authorities and judicial authorities (i.e. courts and tribunals, bailiffs, public prosecutor and the police), banking and insurance companies, our accounting and law firms and debt collection agency. Our IT and software providers also have access to these personal data.

C. Website

For more information on the processing of your personal data when visiting our website, we refer to our Privacy notice – website.


We have implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the confidentiality of your personal data and to protect your data from accidental and unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure and access.

We have made the necessary contractual arrangements with the third parties with whom we work together and will not transfer your personal data outside the European Economic Area without ensuring that your data is granted an equivalent level of protection there.


You can always contact us to exercise the following rights:

  • the right to access or rectification of your personal data
  • the right to erasure of your personal data
  • the right to restrict the processing of your personal data
  • the right to withdraw your consent
  • the right to object to the processing of your data
  • the right to transmit your data to another service provider
  • a complaint if you believe that we are not acting in accordance with applicable data protection laws. You can also submit a complaint to the Belgian Data Protection Authority.

You can reach us via one of the following channels:

We respect all rights relating to your personal data to which you are entitled under applicable law.

For the purposes for which the legal basis for the processing of personal data is a legitimate interest, you can always request more information from us about the balancing of interests that Aminolabs has carried out in this context (for more information, see PURPOSES). You can exercise your right to object to the processing of your personal data at any time, specifying the reasons that relate to your specific situation. Aminolabs will cease the processing of your personal data unless it believes that there are compelling legitimate grounds that override the interests, rights, and freedoms you assert.

To process and respond to your requests correctly, we process your personal data based on our legal obligations arising from Chapter III in conjunction with Article 5.2 GDPR (Art. 6.1 (c) GDPR). For identification purposes, we may ask you for a copy of the front of your identity card. We will retain your personal data for up to 5 years after responding to the request (plus a verification period of 1 year).


This privacy notice may be amended from time to time, within the limits of the applicable data protection laws. Via our website you always have access to the most recent version.